but it's only one side of the activity floating around dist-zilla... indeed, as dagolden, aevar and others try dzil, they (of course) like it, and start contributing their own plugins.
here's a list of new plugins landed on cpan... first some additional author tests:
- CheckChangesTests - check changelog
- CheckExtraTests - runs xt/ tests, but don't copy them to t/
- DistManifestTests - check manifest
- HasVersionTests - check all your modules have a version
- KwaliteeTests - check your kwalitee
- MinimumVersionTests - check minimum perl version needed
- PodSpellingTests - check pod spelling
- PortabilityTests - check if your code is portable
- SynopsisTests - check if code in your synopsis compiles
- UnusedVarsTests - detects unused vars
- ReportVersions - additional test to report version
some plugins to complete meta-data:
- Bugtracker - http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=xxxx
- HomePage - http://search.cpan.org/dist/xxxx
- ModuleBuild::Custom - for mb
- OverridableMakeMaker - for eumm
some plugins to generate additional files:
- FatPacker - creates a script with all dependencies packed
- InstallGuide - creates an INSTALL file
- ReadmeMarkdownFromPod - README.mkdn file
some plugins to compute your next version number:
- BumpVersionFromGit - version taken from last git tag
- VersionFromPrev - classic perl versions, 1.00 to 1.99
and finally some bundles:
you can install all of them in one go via task-dist-zilla.
they are also available in mandriva, and suggested when installing dist-zilla...