
dzil activity

of course, you are aware that dzil v2 is out, with lots of exciting new features, brought to you by rjbs and the perl foundation.

but it's only one side of the activity floating around dist-zilla... indeed, as dagolden, aevar and others try dzil, they (of course) like it, and start contributing their own plugins.

here's a list of new plugins landed on cpan... first some additional author tests:

some plugins to complete meta-data:
  • Bugtracker - http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=xxxx
  • HomePage - http://search.cpan.org/dist/xxxx
some plugins to customize your build process:

some plugins to generate additional files:

some plugins to compute your next version number:

and finally some bundles:

you can install all of them in one go via task-dist-zilla.

they are also available in mandriva, and suggested when installing dist-zilla...

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